Dear Fellow People,

A wholly new foundation—the “Gabriele Foundation for Animals and Nature” has been founded. Based on the motif “We are at home here”, land is being acquired that will be a home for many species of animals and plants.

A few kilometers away from the land of the International Gabriele Foundation, we have already acquired additional land in order to exclusively care for the animals and nature there. This land is still small and wants to grow and become much bigger, because the need for nature and animals is great.

The new foundation concerns only the world of nature and animals. No human being is in-between, except for a few helpers who care for the animals and nature.

Those responsible are Ulrich, Hermann and Daniel. The three are here, and with me, Gabriele, the foundation’s founder, are asking for help for thousands of animals and countless plant species, through all of which the eternal Spirit flows, and this is why we include Him in our request. He is the Creator-God who calls us to come home step by step and not to forget any animal that also bears the stream of life—just as every tree, every plant species and also the stone does not want to be forgotten.

And when many friends of nature and the animals help together, a large connective biotope will emerge in a short time, a place of security and hope, a stretch of land, on which the animals will say:
“We live here, this is our home, we may live in security here.”

If you, too, would like to contribute to this, the corresponding bank information is below:

Gabriele-Stiftung für Tiere und Natur
(Gabriele Foundation for Animals and Nature)
IBAN: DE61 7906 9150 0009 6306 86

Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart

Dear fellow people, thank you for your help.
First and foremost are the children of the foundation, the animals and the world of plants.

As things progress and there is something new to report, you will hear more from us.